A cap on the cost-of-living adjustment, for example, would be a nightmare for pensioners were inflation to flare up, because they would have no way of making up the loss in their purchasing power.
That is forcing an adjustment in the parts of China that have long relied on migrant workers for low-cost labor.
Adjustment of pay rate, usually based on performance, cost of living, or promotion.
Our side in the June 6, 2007 reported on the expansion of the sewage East policy manual toll adjustment for the cost, not a detailed examination and discussion.
Raise Adjustment of pay rate, usually based on performance, cost of living, or promotion.
By utilizing the project analysis on DEA efficient frontier, the adjustment quantity of inefficient DMU input indexes are ensured, and it can provide reliable basis for optimizing materiel cost scale.
On this base, the suggestion is put forward on optimization of azeotrope tower operation adjustment to reduce the operation cost.
The molten steel composition adjustment model for LD converter based on minimum alloy cost is designed and applied to on line control of steelmaking process in Baosteel.
The design has some features, such as low-cost hardware, time-accurate and easy adjustment of time, and so on.
Some enterprises that price adjustment in the business to some extent compensate for thermal coal prices increase due to part of the cost and ease pressure on company business.
What's more, it also establishes the costing model of environmental adjustment based on analyzing the adjusting cost of the facilities equipped by greenhouse.
What's more, it also establishes the costing model of environmental adjustment based on analyzing the adjusting cost of the facilities equipped by greenhouse.