However, their focus was not on aerobics, but rather on weight-training programs designed to develop muscular mass, strength, and endurance in their primarily male enthusiasts.
See this endurance-based training as your 'cake', on which you will later put the 'icing' of a specific 12-16 week marathon programme.
Finke believes marathoners should focus on consistent, easy-paced training runs that help them build endurance without getting hurt every couple of months.
The exercise therapy group received a home program focusing on pain contingent training of back, abdominal, and leg muscle functional strength and endurance, stretching, and cardiovascular fitness.
Objective: To study the training intensity of Submariner Endurance Exercise(SEE) and the effects of SEE on the subjects' physical capacity and pulmonary function.
The authors summarized and probed into the development of research on the optimization of intermittent high intensity training programs for high performance endurance cyclists.
The endurance training of the structure is mainly run by the long distance and the competition distance repetition with the intermittence runs and so on the constitution.
Objective to study the effect and possible action mechanisms of Ligustrum lucidum extract on antioxidation level and motor ability of skeletal muscle of great intensity endurance training rats.
Being on the basis of the characteristics of racing boat event, the author in this paper makes a re search into the method of specific endurance land training for athletes.
On the base of this, this paper put forward a training system for middle and long distance run which is based on aerobic capacity and centered on speed and speed endurance.
According to the principle of the physiology and the theory of training, the article dwells on the basic demand of strength training of cyclic endurance items.
Objective Effects of endurance swimming training on the exhaustion-induced lymphocyte apoptosis were investigated in rats and the mechanism was also analyzed.
So far, no access to the static muscular endurance training on the flight reported that the effects of endurance training.
In Middle School P. E. teaching, the focus of 400-metre race training should be put on speed and endurance, that is, on how to lengthen the duration of speed summit.
In Middle School P. E. teaching, the focus of 400-metre race training should be put on speed and endurance, that is, on how to lengthen the duration of speed summit.