Next day he went in search of a better place, and chose a little bay on the opposite side, some six miles nearer the mouth of the estuary, and thither the whole settlement was soon after removed.
But he said the party might reconsider, if the U. s. guarantees that it will not demand any further restrictions on settlement construction when the 90-day period expires.
Settlement of transaction between participants of the Stock Exchange is required to take place in CCASS on the second Business day after any trading day.
Where the Gold (Forwards) settlement date would fall (as predicted by the rule in the table) on a Friday or on the day before a US holiday, the contract will instead settle on the previous day.
Where the Gold (Forwards) settlement date would fall (as predicted by the rule in the table) on a Friday or on the day before a US holiday, the contract will instead settle on the previous day.