Choose Export screen saver on the File menu.
To exit Notepad, click Exit on the File menu.
On the File menu, click Connect Network Registry.
通过网络连接到注册表打开 注册表编辑器。
On the File menu, point to Import, and then click Messages.
Click print on the File menu to print the results of the merge.
To change a document's summary information, click Properties on the File menu.
You can use the new session command on the File menu to open a new untitled session.
This includes printer settings, which are often erroneously found on the File menu.
To add a "gutter" to the inside margin, click Page Setup on the File menu, and then click the Margins TAB.
Send a Web page in email: On the File menu, point to Send, and then click Page by E-mail or Link by E-mail.
用电子邮件发送网页: 在“文件”菜单上,指向“ 发送”,然后单击“电子邮件页面”或“电子邮件链接”。
The page setup commands that typically reside on the File menu should be placed here. (Notice that page setup is very different from printer setup.)
For a quick view of the entire contents of the database file grouped by object category, click database Properties on the file menu, and then click the contents TAB.
First, select 'data file Management' from the file menu. A window will open showing the name of your data file, which includes its location on your hard disk.
From the pop-up menu on this icon, create a new HTML file.
The validator can be invoked automatically when the WSDL importer or WSDL generator is run, or you can invoke it manually via the tooling (for example, the pop-up menu on a.wsdl file).
An application information file (.aif) to specify the icon and caption that will represent the phone on a menu screen.
When users right-click on the Windows desktop, they see a New menu choice that contains a submenu with common file types that a user can create.
Create templates from the File menu when you are working on a template and would like to save your progress, or when you're updating an existing template.
Tip 2: Create templates from the File menu when you are working on a template and would like to save your progress, or when you're updating an existing template.
You can also log the displayed active table to a file for later analysis by using the right-click menu on the table.
On some browsers, you instead need to click on the "File" menu and then on "View Source".
Please note that the actions will be displayed on the menu and toolbar in the reverse order of creation (that is the reverse order of appearance in the plugin manifest file).
However it can be saved as a regular UML diagram (.dnx) or as an Image file by accessing the file context menu on the diagram surface.
Consider another case where you display a menu after someone clicks on a control, such as the File menu in the top left corner of any browser.
Clicking on a menu item along the left-hand side of the user interface drives the information displayed on the right, similar to a file browser. For Rene, the options on the left hand side are.
This option is available on the regular File menu, or via the right-click pop-up menu from a message set selected in the Broker Development pane.
This can be accomplished by right-clicking on the file name from within Xcode and selecting rename from the menu.
改名的方法是在Xcode 中右键单击文件名并从菜单中选择rename。
This can be accomplished by right-clicking on the file name from within Xcode and selecting rename from the menu.
改名的方法是在Xcode 中右键单击文件名并从菜单中选择rename。