Many of my examples throughout this series rely on the Lean Software concept of deferring decisions to the last responsible moment.
本系列中我所用的很多示例都是依赖将决策推迟到最后责任时刻的Lean Soft ware概念。
In addition, the influence of the spark energy, the gas stream speed and the electrode distance on the lean ignition limit of the gasoline-air mixtures by an automobile ignition coil was determined.
It doesn't really lean into the room very well. It's just a painting on the wall, and you see it as a painting.
"Maybe you lean on your left arm too much," the doctor concluded, suggesting I see a bone doctor.
Second, magnetic people seen in photographs and videos with objects on their body tend to lean back slightly, or stand more or less perpendicular to the ground.
She can rest her hands flat against the wall and lean in slightly, keeping one foot on the far corner of the tub for support.
Lean thinking capitalizes on the intelligence of frontline workers, believing that they are the ones who should determine and continually improve the way they do their jobs.
The hot-spot adjustments: Either lean back, resting your hands on the bed behind you, or lean forward with your hands above his head.
Eliminating waste, building quality and focus on learning are a few Lean principles, which are the focus of this article.
Responding to a question on the role of code generation in projects where Agile and Lean software development methodologies like Scrum, XP, or Kanban are being used, Jack said.
These for-profit companies lean heavily on the fear factor, encouraging parents to bank their baby's blood just in case a relative needs it one day.
Most of the ingredients needed for healthy cooking are probably on your shelves right now, like fresh fruits and vegetables, rice, pasta, lean meats, and poultry.
They have some of the best development tools in the world with capabilities, such as code completion and refactoring, that lean heavily on static typing.
The nuclear deal gives it extra clout with India, which it should lean on to show restraint in and flexibility on Kashmir.
Also, lean forward toward him, feet together, hands on knees, arms straight: he'll enjoy the perspective.
A new family of development processes known as agile techniques teach you to emphasize automated testing more and to lean less on formal design artifacts as the sole tool for improving quality.
Look out for the people around you, be there when they need someone to lean on, and be open with them about your own life.
Lean on the ball as shown, keep the back flat or maintain its natural curve, with the legs straight.
Shareholders that like the current management team would be more inclined to vote for the Deutsche Bourse deal, while those who are more lukewarm on it would lean toward the Nasdaq/ICE deal.
I lean on him as we move to the main path.
This article hasn't focused on this area because, on the whole, it doesn't directly map from lean software development to the seven types of wastes that this article discusses.
The “toned” and lean look that most strive for comes from having built some muscle on your frame.
Tell your child not to lean on the handrail. This can slow down the escalator and may throw other people off balance.
Lean advocates to defer until "the last responsible moment" without offering much help on knowing when that is.
Learn to lean on things to gain support. Squeeze off the shutter, smoothly and without jerking.
AMERICA’S system of elections for the boards of companies has long been a sort of Potemkin village: impressive, until you lean on it.
To further explore this association, the Brazil-based research team examined energy use in both lean and obese rats that swam or ran on a treadmill.
I shall count three, and on the word 'three', I want you to lean forward suddenly as hard as you can. That should get the bus started again.
I shall count three, and on the word 'three', I want you to lean forward suddenly as hard as you can. That should get the bus started again.