Do you remember what I wrote on the slate?
Now Tom began to scrawl something on the slate, hiding the words from the girl.
Now the boy began to draw something on the slate, hiding his work with his left hand.
Their Starbucks cup filled with water and cigarette butts has spilled and gotten nicotine brown water on the slate in the front of the church steps.
I saw you on the SLATE and I thought to myself.
When my sister found that Biddy was very quick to understand her, this mysterious sign reappeared on the SLATE.
Their Starbucks cup filled with water and cigarette butts has spilled and gotten nicotine brown water on the slate in front of the church steps.
The artists use a small spoon to scoop up the sugar melted, spread rapidly back and forth on the SLATE, draw shapes. Then use a small shovel scooped sugar Painting.
But Slate is equally concerned about humans' contribution to the problem. It turns out battling rabies can be as simple as giving suburban raccoon populations less to live on.
Shortly after Google launched its new social network in June, many companies—including several online magazines, Slate among them—attempted to create “brand profiles” on the service.
Dell lifted the curtain on its mysterious SLATE computer, a five-inch touchscreen device that comes with an Android-based software platform and will reportedly function as a phone.
Remote media streaming 'facilitates remote access of PCs on the' eee SLATE 'using only a high-speed Internet connection, so that documents need not be stored on the tablet itself.
The real issue here is that our bodies were not designed to sit on toilets, we were designed to squat. Daniel Lametti explained in Slate
In the essay Slate recalls: "Once, while I was riding on a crowded bus, the man sitting next to me threw his cell phone out the window."
If Mr Osborne wiped the SLATE clean, he could at one extreme rely entirely on spending cuts or at the other on tax rises.
We also do have a strong development slate of other feature films in development. Our Broadcast department is working on a lot of children's television work…so the studio is quite busy at the moment!
Many companies don't like the idea of allowing an open forum on their turf where people can freely criticize and slate their products and services.
In the beginning of a relationship, each party should ideally have a clean SLATE and be on their best behavior, instead of showcasing their baggage like a badge of honor.
There was a long slate of estimable speakers but as the evening wore on I began to lose attention.
The seesawing could continue: next up on Disney’s release slate is “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice,” a live-action fantasy starring Nicolas Cage that strikes many veteran movie marketers as a tough sell.
波动延续:接下来迪士尼预备发布的影片是《巫师学徒》,由尼古拉斯 凯奇主演的实景奇幻影片,此片令许多资深电影制作人头疼不已,被认定是极难卖座。
The seesawing could continue: next up on Disney's release slate is “The Sorcerer's Apprentice,” a live-action fantasy starring Nicolas Cage that strikes many veteran movie marketers as a tough sell.
This summer, a couple of news junkies deprived themselves of newspapers for three days and blogged about the experience on Slate. They survived.
We'll known for certain on which days the shows will air when the network presents its upcoming slate, including new series such as Secret Circle, at the Upfronts in May.
Also in Slate, Tom Vanderbilt asks if Twitter and tweets about traffic will change the way we drive, and he looked at whether bus drivers might have the most stressful job on the planet.
That is, it was the peak of Apple's prior research and development on portable, slate-like (tablet) computers.
With a 12.1-inch multi-touch display, the oversized ASUS Eee Slate runs on Windows 7 and has a 2-megapixel camera on the front that supports video chat.
Though there have been rumors of a PalmPad, code-named Topaz, that looks similar to the HP Slate 500, HP has been tight-lipped on details of its webOS tablet(s).
此前,已经有和惠普Slate 500平板电脑非常相像的代号“Topaz”的PalmPad的传闻,但是惠普始终没有给出更多的webOS平板电脑的细节。
Most of the tablets on display at the CES were of a size and shape similar to the iPad. The call of the day was a 10-inch screen sitting in a roughly half-inch thick slate.
许多在CES 上展示的平板电脑产品都在尺寸和外形上与iPad类似,都是一块10英寸屏幕安置在约半英寸厚的基板上。
Most of the tablets on display at the CES were of a size and shape similar to the iPad. The call of the day was a 10-inch screen sitting in a roughly half-inch thick slate.
许多在CES 上展示的平板电脑产品都在尺寸和外形上与iPad类似,都是一块10英寸屏幕安置在约半英寸厚的基板上。