Lavrov noted that now it seems that the Songhua river pollution has exerted limited impact on Russia and he was satisfied with and thanked for the enormous efforts China has made to this end.
In the moring, the light fog wreathing on Songhua River!
In this paper, the values of water ecosystem and its influencing factors are discussed basically on Songhua river area.
Objective To survey the effect of the flooded dump, Chengjiagang dump, on the water quality in the Songhua river, which is the source of water supply of Harbin city.
The influence of Fengman Reservoir on the hydrologic environment of Songhua River of Harbin reach is studied on the basis of hydrologic characteristic value of 1990 in extremum relative method.
Since the Neogene, the ancient Songhua-Liao River system have undergone several changes with the alternation of fluvial and lacustrine formation on a large scale.
Since the Neogene, the ancient Songhua-Liao River system have undergone several changes with the alternation of fluvial and lacustrine formation on a large scale.