One day a girl brought a bag full of heart shaped chocolates, individually wrapped with a poem for each one of us.
Abide by 3-1-1: Yes, the 3-1-1 rule for carry-on liquids—the one that limits all passengers to one quart-sized zip-top bag of liquid toiletries of no more than 3.4 ounces each—is still in effect.
遵守3-1-1准则: 3-1-1准则适用于随身携带的液体物品,即每位乘客允许随身携带的液体化妆品每件不超过3.4盎司(约合95ml),总量不超过1夸托(合1.14升),用1个带封口的袋子包好。
Instruction and Dosage:used for footbath, one bag each time.
Time machine is born in 2050, scientists use it to go cross the time to reach the future. One scientist come to a subway in 2100, and find each of the panssengers with a big bag for work.
Time machine is born in 2050, scientists use it to go cross the time to reach the future. One scientist come to a subway in 2100, and find each of the panssengers with a big bag for work.