One late night, holed up in the library, studying for the dreaded organic chemistry midterm, I went 22 hours without sleep.
One late night I responded to a call for a cab ride. To my surprise, when I arrived at the address, I found it was a frail old lay who was awaiting me.
My first experience with a bear one late night made it abundantly clear to me that I was indeed hanging my food from a tree for a reason, and not just for decoration.
One late night last year as I whirled, twirled and shimmied on the dance floor at Columbia University's Senior Ball, I noticed that my fellow ladies were dropping like flies around me.
One morning you wave goodbye, and that very evening you're burning the late-night oil in sympathy.
I arrived late one night, on a business trip, so I decided to have dinner in the hotel.
His friend the late Jack Newfield wrote that his career became "an atonement for one night of indefensible behaviour"; Kennedy, Newfield said, "converted persistence into redemption".
After about a week of being off line, I returned late one night to check mail.
They didn't arrive until very late one night. They looked for a place to stay.
After a party one night, I slept late and for the next 20 days, couldn't get my sleeping pattern back on track.
One night we were both working late and ended up getting a drink together after we left.
I wonder if the people living there have any late-night emergencies like the one I encountered 25 years ago.
One day, she went to have a drink with her male colleagues after work and went back home late at night.
One night very late I was awakened by a tearing noise, like timbers creaking.
The meeting that night was delayed because one of the members was late.
On a late-night jaunt through downtown, one is as likely to hear European techno as the native rhythms of cumbia or vallenato music.
Late at night Hamlet, Horatio and one of the guards went to the top of the walls. It was very cold and dark there.
One late summer night in the studio I was thinking about the design of shoes in general.
Late one night, the summer my wife and I lived on the mountain, we saw a deer standing on the traffic island at the end of our street.
Finally, those who want a late-night culture fix can check out one of the free Museum and Gallery Lates .
The case of Kenneth Conley began late one night in January of 1995, after the Boston police department got a radio call that an officer had been shot and four black suspects were fleeing by car.
In the late midsummer evening, Carmen Elcira was trying to sleep in the motel room where she was spending her one night in Miami.
The fourth checkpoint was enforced with big rocks. It was late night no one was on the road.
Or you could be on the other end of the spectrum, the one with library marathons and late-night cramming.
One night, when he came home late from the casino, there was a note on the table from his wife.
inexpensive, fun, simple to make and customize, they add the perfect decoration for a late night BBQ with a group of friends or a night of gin and tonics with the one you love.
Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel, for one, suggests that if you've cracked a thousand, maybe it's time to start "cutting some of the friend fat out of your life."
Late at night I got one of those calls. As I was getting ready to head out the door, my husband groggily said, "you're not going down there by yourself at this hour."
According to court filings, a Jones, Day partner, William Hine, claimed more than $2,100 for late-night rides home in one month.
According to court filings, a Jones, Day partner, William Hine, claimed more than $2,100 for late-night rides home in one month.