This violates the basic building block of finance - the law of one price - and does not depend on any pricing model.
According to the law of one price, identical assets should have identical prices.
Price coordination is very significant as one of trade associations' governance functions, but it has not been paid attention to in law and got consistency in understanding.
In order to focus on cases of clear violations of the law of one price, they looked for potential cases of negative stubs.
List three goods for which the law of one price is likely to hold, and three goods for which it is not.
This paper analyzed APT using the law of one price.
This violates the basic building block of finance the law of one price and does not depend on any pricing model.
From the perspective of Law of One price (LOP), this paper studies the price relationship among 36 major Chinese cities by using disaggregated absolute price data.
Price Cartel is always one of the important parts that anti-monopoly law regulation because of its serious harmfulness.
The difference between the price for the phone and $3,000 represents one estimate — and a conservative one — of the consumer surplus created by the deflationary effects of Moore's Law.
The difference between the price for the phone and $3,000 represents one estimate — and a conservative one — of the consumer surplus created by the deflationary effects of Moore's Law.