Our first date was paddling around in a canoe one summer night under the stars.
One summer night, one of the two friends passed away (after watching a baseball game, of course).
On one summer night, when he was practicing reading an article, he suddenly saw many fireflies lighting up the sky.
One summer night, Bob passed away in his sleep. He died happy. A few nights later, his buddy Earl awoke to the sound of Bob's voice from beyond.
One summer night many years ago, while walking home from work, I heard the most joyous music emanating, like an aural glow, from the basement of a church a few blocks from the house where I grew up.
One night last summer he’d come to the factory yard soused, climbed up on a vat, and tumbled in.
Sendai is home to the most famous and romantic of summer festivals, Tanabata, when the stars Vega and Altair, who are in love but separated by the Milky Way, are reunited for one night.
At a Starbucks not far from Shanghai's People's Park, the founders of one such club, which boasts more than 1,000 members, met on a hot summer night to talk about single living in Shanghai.
We loved our little village so much, that one night before the summer had ended, we all snuck out of our houses and stayed in our huts for the night.
To pass the program's two-language requirement, one summer I studied French and German day and night for three straight months.
One late summer night in the studio I was thinking about the design of shoes in general.
Late one night, the summer my wife and I lived on the mountain, we saw a deer standing on the traffic island at the end of our street.
Sendai is home to the most famous and romantic summer festival, Tanabata, when the stars Vega and Altair, who are in love but separated by the Milky Way, are reunited for one night.
This is a video I made when I was riding the bus home one night last summer… so crazy!
By the time I settled in for bed that night, I'd decided things would be okay. After all, it was just for one summer.
Even if I spared myself a whole summer night, I would be wavering on which letter to reply first, the 18-month-old one or the 7-month-old?
Even if I spared myself a whole summer night, I would be wavering on which letter to reply first, the 18-month-old one or the 7-month-old?