And how often have you heard about one spouse in a 50-year marriage who, despite being medically healthy, dies a few short months or even weeks after the death of the other spouse?
你常会听闻这样的事情吗? 一对结婚五十年的夫妇,其中一位不幸离世,另一半在接下来的几个月甚至是几周内也紧跟着去世,尽管他/她当时身体状况良好。
Marriage of girls now that "the hope of finding a true love of the people spend the rest of his life, " why "of life one year after marriage, she will choose euthanasia"?
Marriage of girls now that "the hope of finding a true love of the people spend the rest of his life, " why "of life one year after marriage, she will choose euthanasia"?