The closures notation strips away the boilerplate associated with inner classes, allowing a more compact (and more importantly, more direct) expression of the desired data operation.
The splitting operation accomplished by the "\w+" expression in this case could be just as easily accomplished with the String.Split method, which would be much faster.
此例中通过“\w+”表达式完成的拆分操作可以恰好通过 String.Split方法轻松地完成,那样速度会更快。
It says that the function must be used in an expression involving the comparison operation and that the search method "equals" of the index extension hash_index is referred to.
这说明,该函数必须在一个涉及比较操作并且引用了索引扩展hash _ index的搜索方法“equals”的表达式中使用。
The publish operation could be achieved by pointing to the title element with the xpath expression /html/head/title.
发布操作可以通过指向xpath表达式为 /html/head/title的标题元素来完成。
For example in the filter expression $x[count(.|$y)=count($y)] (which is the only convenient way in XSLT 1.0 of doing a set intersection operation), Saxon will evaluate count($y) only once.
例如,在过滤器表达式 $x[count(.|$y)=count($y)]中(它是XSLT 1.0 中执行一组逻辑乘操作的唯一简便方法)中,Saxon 只对 count($y) 求值一次。
The two sides of the operation must match (that is, if you have 2 element tuple as the pattern, the expression must resolve to a 2 element tuple).
Unary operators perform an operation on a single operand, such as returning the negative or positive value of a numeric expression.
An operator, such as the + sign, is a character (or sometimes a short sequence of characters) that indicates a computational operation. In an expression, a term must be one of the following.
Why I got "operation may be undefined" in Statement Expression in C++?
为什么我的“操作可能是不确定的”语句表达的C + +?
"Operation" consists of three levels of feeling and experience, expression and appraising, adjusting and controlling.
To facilitate path expression processing, the processing strategy based on path decomposition and structural join operation needs to be investigated more deeply.
The principle, premise, rules of expression, generation mode and operation of the data driven file and the generation of nc code are described.
Methods CT expression of 11 cases with mediastino bronchial cyst diagnosed by operation and histopathology was analysed.
The method adopts object-oriented technology for electric devices and knowledge expression based on produced rules to build topology configuration knowledge base and operation rule knowledge base.
The paper introduces the expression of unusual operation of transformers, analyses the reason of the situation and gives suggestion to deal with the transformers unusual operation.
The paper introduces the expression of unusual operation of transformers, analyses the reason of the situation and gives suggestion to deal with the transformer's unusual operation.
In this paper, the main details with expression and the method of software design and operation of the experiment platform are presented.
Meanwhile, the weak points and negative factors involved in market operation will find expression in people's cultural life.
Performs a unary operation that returns the negative value of a numeric expression.
The concepts such as mathematical expression, stack operation and binary tree traversal must be presented in data structure.
NET exploiture method: application expression layer, operation logic layer, data interview layer and data storage layer.
In this paper, the fuzzy matrix expression of debt relations is given and its power operation is used to judge the existence of the indirect debt relation.
As the commonness of people's cognition of the world and the principal of lawsuit, the standards of proof in different country are different in expression and same in operation.
C expression whose value is a string, including spacing, containing the assembler operation to identify the following data as read-only initialized data.
The results showed that the expression of VCAM 1 was related with metastasis of breast cancer and early relapse after operation.
结果显示:VCAM -1的表达与乳腺癌转移及术后早期复发有关。
In programming, a value that is given to a variable, either at the beginning of an operation or before an expression is evaluated by a program.
In nonstandard expression, there is no coupling effect between scales, and operation is faster than that in standard expression.
The principle of operation for the novel motor, the theoretical expression of thrust and the optimum performance are described.
Results Immunohistochemistry showed the nuclear expression of Ref 1 protein in the normal control group, sham operation group and left cerebral hemisphere.
Results Immunohistochemistry showed the nuclear expression of Ref 1 protein in the normal control group, sham operation group and left cerebral hemisphere.