A method of determining the optimum tilt Angle of fixed PV arrays based on CAD method is presented.
The system with tilt Angle optimized hand azimuth tracking can save 28% - 30% of PV capacity than the system fixed at optimum tilt Angle.
倾角固定方位角手动跟踪比以固定倾角安装的系统节省太阳电池28%- 30%。
Hand azimuth tracking with adjustable tilt Angle may be the most economic tracking mode, it can save 30% - 32% of PV capacity than the system fixed at optimum tilt Angle.
倾角可变方位角手动跟踪是最节省太阳电池的跟踪方式,比固定倾角安装的系统节省太阳电池30%- 32%。
Hand azimuth tracking with adjustable tilt Angle may be the most economic tracking mode, it can save 30% - 32% of PV capacity than the system fixed at optimum tilt Angle.
倾角可变方位角手动跟踪是最节省太阳电池的跟踪方式,比固定倾角安装的系统节省太阳电池30%- 32%。