Figure 9 shows the initial DB-Access Database option menu.
图9显示了初始的DB - AccessDatabase选项菜单。
Selecting the Settings from the option menu will bring up the dialog box below.
The list of items in the division option menu depends on the lab selected in the lab option menu.
The division option menu now contains the divisions for the selected lab. Next, select a division.
After the administrator selects the lab, the division option menu is enabled, but only contains the divisions for the selected lab.
The callback function updateDivisionsCallback from lines 40 to 55 processes the response and displays the returned division names in the division option menu.
The updateDivisions function from lines 28 to 39 sends a request to the RESTful Web service to get the divisions that the lab NCAR administrator selects in the lab option menu.
到39行的 updateDivisions函数发送一个请求给REST 风格的Web服务,以获取实验室NCAR管理员在实验室选项菜单中所选择的部门。
When you select a lab option menu field, the Ajax script invokes a GET Web service in DivisionsResource in the Resource Request Handler, which returns an array of divisions for the selected lab.
Figure 17 shows the sequence of requests between the tiers after the Ajax script sends a RESTful Web service request to get the divisions for given lab and displays them in the Division option menu.
图17展示了Ajax脚本发送REST 风格的Web服务请求以获取特定实验室的部门并在Division选项菜单中显示它们之后,各分层之间的请求序列。
The menu changes weekly and usually includes a vegan option.
Impulsive spending isn't an option, so plan your week's menu in advance, making shopping lists for your ingredients in their exact quantities.
You should see every root node in the menu with every option under that node.
It provides an event handler for each menu option.
To modify connection information, filter criteria, or any of the advanced options, use the modify connection menu option on the connection.
You need a menu option that has just one selector for the user name.
By looking at CFGTCP menu option 2, you can identify how many routes your system has defined and determine whether they are bound to specific interfaces.
You can also define external services through a new menu option, as figure 7 shows.
The whole point of loading up the maps program is to look up an address; why would you hide that option under a menu bar?
Publishing is accomplished via an option on the print menu.
You can more easily view the menu options because each menu option running in console mode has a number associated with it.
The user launches the client application and selects the appropriate menu option for creating a new document.
For example, you might include a menu option for adding a new action, or removing an existing action.
If the Quickfix menu option is enabled, selecting it will walk you through a process to correct the problem (Figure 19).
Menu option to deploy the PackageStatusServiceEAR application to the server.
Menu option, which we'll see later.
The Analyze impact of change option in the Actions menu.
To invoke it, use the Query Builder context menu option on the editor control.
If the Quick Fix menu option is enabled, selecting it will walk you through a process to correct the problem.
Whether to use incremental or auto builds is an option in the Project menu.
If the workbench does not display properly, choose the Window - Show View - Other menu option.
如果工作台显示不正确,选择Window-ShowView - o ther菜单选项。