But I wouldn't have left Facebook for any other person or at any other time.
Love is a special affection for a man or a woman, which is stronger than that for any other person.
'Remember also what may be God's will for someone else may not be God's will for you or any other person.
At no time should the celebrant or any other person officiating or assisting allow hands to swing at the sides or dangle.
Are you or any other person included in this application presently subject to military service obligations in any country?
We assume no liability to you or any other person for any loss or expense due to your failure to comply with this provision.
The fundamental skills for an entrepreneur or any other person who wants to succeed are passion, curiosity, interest and willingness to take risks.
An employer should not require or allow the FDH to work for any other person and the FDH has no contractual obligation to follow an instruction of helping a neighbour.
All of the company and its employees do not in any way on any information or send errors, inaccuracies or errors to users or any other person, directly or indirectly, any negative.
You should not photocopy it, show it to another person without approval from the editorial office, or discuss your evaluation and recommendations with the author or any other person.
Take a walk in any of the more ritzy areas of New York and every other person has a dog—on a leash, or even being pushed along in a stroller.
My question is whether you can love anything but the good part of a person. Can you love any part of a person other than their virtue or their excellents?
A role is an entity (a person, computer, or any other type of actor) or group of entities that have the same rights and obligations with respect to performing a task or a group of tasks.
The thoughts, views, and opinions expressed in this paper are solely mine, and do not necessarily reflect nor agree with the views of any other person or organization.
If it suspects any other person of hiding the offender or concealing criminal evidence, it may also conduct a search of that person, his articles and residence and other relevant places.
In fact, the risk of a given person being murdered -- probably by his or her mother -- is 10 times higher during the first day of life than at any other time.
In addition the sprint view supports filtering, by "point person", "task status" or any other column.
This is because any answers can always be fabricated or the other person can always deceive his or her date.
In fact, the risk of a person being murdered — probably by his or her mother — is 10 times higher during the first day of life than at any other time.
If you're like me or any other normal person Did I just call myself normal?
No unit or person may illegally restrict or exclude legal persons or other organizations from other areas or systems to take part in bidding or interfere in tender and bid activities in any form.
Take a walk in any of the more ritzy areas of New York and every other person has a dog -- on a leash, being carried in a bag or even being pushed along in a stroller.
漫步在纽约的豪华社区就会发现,每两个人中就有一人在遛狗,甚至有人把狗装在手提袋里,或是用手推车推着自己的爱犬。 宾德介绍说,人们对宠物的宠爱也是无奇不有。
I'm the last person to argue against anyone's love of New York, Paris, or any other city, and Woody Allen is certainly entitled to see it as charmingly as he wants.
I'm the last person to argue against anyone's love of New York, Paris, or any other city, and Woody Allen is certainly entitled to see it as charmingly as he wants.