Even if your recommendations are small, it is important to let people know what they can do to improve or change performance, or how to get more information.
Even when I was out hiking or whatever, I felt as though I was wasting time and that I should be spending my time on more important things.
If I'd given it a few days, or even a few hours, I'm sure I could have made it better and, even more important, I would have been pleased with it.
But even more important is taking the time to just BE, at least once a day…taking it all in, enjoying the quiet, watching the clouds, or enjoying a cup of your favorite tea while resting your body.
但更重要的是,花更多的时间,去感知你的存在 ,每天至少去感受一次,享受片刻宁静,看看天上的浮云,或者喝杯你最爱的茶,同时放松一下紧绷的身体。
Just as important, science is working to develop tests that are more precise than the fallible feel method or even the PSA reading.
同样重要的是,科学界正在开发比易出错的感觉方法、甚至PS A阅读更精确的检测方法。
Near the end of the development cycle, the I&T lead was one of the most important members on the project team - perhaps even more so than the team lead or project engineer.
If your content is in the public domain or under a free content license of some sort, it is probably even more important to let users know that.
Reporters, photographers and cameramen are just as important, if not even more important than team or competitors.
This becomes even more important when network speed is low, network traffic is high, or the size of the Web pages is large.
You could really hurt or injure the person, besides causing them to get more angry and the argument to get even worse. If someone physically hurts you, it's important to tell a parent.
y=0 And I define here y equals zero, or what is even more important, u=0 I define that u equals zero.
One of the most important things I can do is to love my wife as I love myself, or even more.
We were often told that sometimes personal relationship is even more important than our professional skills or knowledge for our future career.
We were often talked that sometimes personal relationship is even more important than our professional skills or knowledge for our future career.
There have always been heated and repeated debates over the question that which is more important, grammar or vocabulary. Many even completely deny the necessity of grammar study.
If you are in a job that allows you to do something to help people or society, that's important to an Aquarius, and that will fuel you even more.
One day you ask me: what's more important to you, me or your life? I'll say my life and you'll go and leave without even knowing that you are my life.
Whether it's altering your diet or getting more aerobic exercise, even building muscle mass, it's important to set goals for improvement.
That means that the town may be added later, or, which is even more important, there may be alternative new towns.
This shows that more than 2000 years ago (or even earlier) the Indians have already fully valued the important roles of aesthetic subjects in the aesthetic activity.
While really good pieces of rock should suggest majesty or detachment from life, it is even more important that the lines be correct.
For the British, the process of producing humour is often more important than its being laughed at, or even being understood.
Even though I like sport, if I didn't perform well in the office because I was watching the games, causing my business to fail, then what would be more important? Work or watch the World Cup?
Work together to create a good working atmosphere for our operating personnel is even more important, is directly related to our work, good or bad!
Work together to create a good working atmosphere for our operating personnel is even more important, is directly related to our work, good or bad!