If they are conscious, give ORS and water, or plain water.
Though some people swear that throwing in such extras as aspirin, soda water, bleach, salt, sugar, or Karo syrup keeps trees fresher longer, the experts say plain water, and plenty of it, is best.
Some flavored varieties have few or no calories, and a good squeeze of lemon or lime juice makes plain sparkling water much more interesting and palatable.
But according to Haddad, no matter what the scientists or environmental organizations said, the public saw it differently: They thought that directly reusing former sewage water was just plain gross.
Both were offered plain water or water with sucrose.
The findings come from brain scans carried out on 40 volunteers who were tested after they had coffee with sugar, coffee without sugar, sugar on its own or just plain water.
After the water and oatmeal have settled for two or three minutes, mix in 2 tablespoons plain yogurt, 2 table-spoons honey, and 1 small egg white.
A sweetened beverage of lime juice and plain or carbonated water.
Generally, if a dog is merely dusty or muddy, you can rinse them off with plain water or wait until they are dry and brush the dirt out to restore them to cleanliness.
If plain water doesn't cut it, try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.
Plain yogurt remains the best product for added bacteria because it has three things the bugs absolutely love: lactose (or naturally occurring sugar), fat and water.
Take medicine with plain boiled water, sweet water or honey is favorable.
Any piece of fresh fruit is a wiser health choice than a fruit drink that comes in a paper or plastic container, and drinking plain tea or water is a much healthier way to quench one's thirst.
Take this drug first thing in the morning, at least 30 minutes before you eat any food or drink any liquid (other than plain water).
They drink only soda, not milk, plain water, or fruit juice.
Passion tends to be the most plain water in two words or three.
Passion tends to be the most plain water in two words or three.