Xiangcheng sag; Organic geochemistry; Maceral; Immature -low mature oil; Formation condition. ;
襄城凹陷;有机地球化学;显微组分; 未熟—低熟油;形成条件;
Exploration geochemistry is the application of organic geochemistry to the exploration for oil and gas.
Xiaochaidan salt lake sediments were studied in detail by means of geochemistry, especially organic geochemistry.
The characteristics of the hydrocarbon source rocks in this region are analyzed using organic geochemistry methods.
It is a novel studied field in organic geochemistry using amount and distribution of nitrogen compounds in crude oils to study petroleum migration.
Jo Hellawell of Trinity College, Dublin, and her colleagues in the Organic Geochemistry Unit at Bristol University think that they have solved the mystery.
Simulation experiment is an important part in the study on organic geochemistry. It is also an important means for the research of oil and gas geochemistry.
Marks of coal petrology, parameters of organic geochemistry and yield-oil of thermal simulated experiment are provided evidence for availability of"FMT"evaluation method.
煤岩学标志、有机地球化学参数和热模拟实验产烃率数据为FMT 值定量评价煤生烃排烃潜力的适用性和有效性提供了佐证。
The research approach to the study was organic petrology and organic geochemistry methods: Oil light, Fluorescence observations macerals and to their qualitative and quantitative;
The geochemical indicators, such as mineral, trace element and isotopic geochemistry and organic geochemistry indices, are of the most importance in the study of anoxic environment.
Studies on organic geochemistry show that the organic matter of the Tertiary oil-generating rocks in the west is mainly mix-typed, and part of it belongs to sapropel and humic types.
The hydrocarbon source rocks of coal measures developed in this basin were studied on the basis of drill cores, which involved in many fields such as geology, organic geochemistry and petrology.
根据钻井及大量的实验测试等资料,研究了侏罗系煤系烃源岩的发育特征及其有机地球化学、有机岩石学特征,表明其有机质丰度较高,达到中等-好级别; 有机质类型以Ⅲ型为主、Ⅱ型为辅;
The studies of organic geochemistry on the ore-bearing formation show that the host-rock is rich in primary organic matters and the sedimentary environment is low basin in the epicontinental sea.
DNA sequencing and geochemistry tests can be run at any point in time to analyze the makeup of a well's production stream and depend on the presence of organic materials to generate usable insights.
The species, sources and geochemistry of the fluorescent fraction of the dissolved organic matter were reviewed and discussed in this paper.
The species, sources and geochemistry of the fluorescent fraction of the dissolved organic matter were reviewed and discussed in this paper.