The book still has its original binding.
The bags we buy are same with the original binding. Which color do you like? I'll make a call to confirm.
Verification Results dialog box when you try to refactor code that contains build errors, or when refactoring would cause a code reference to bind to something different from its original binding.
Once the bound component marshalling method has been found or generated, the object binding component just adds the code to call that bound component method to the original method it was passed.
Only one line of the binding definition is different — the field attribute has been removed from the original version.
In this case, there were no methods present in the original classes, so all the methods shown in the diagram were added by the JiBX binding compiler.
Further, you can see how useful RDF's arbitrary nesting of descriptions is, allowing our version of the binding element to retain its original structure.
Finally, the expert group decided to abandon the idea of a single binding framework runtime like that found in the original ea release.
Possibly, the original thought may have been that it would play a similar binding role in the immune system.
With the response, it is also the binding that converts the response back into the XHTML, SVG or other viewable element within the original document.
Only a sliver of the original paper remained where it had once adhered to the binding.
This Supplemental Agreement and the Original Agreement shall be equally binding to the Parties.
The possible choices include using AXIOM directly, using a simple data binding approach similar to the original Axis, or using a specialized data binding framework such as XMLBeans, JiBX, or JAXB 2.0.
可能的选择包括,直接使用AXIOM,使用与原来的Axis相似的简单数据绑定方法,或使用XMLBeans、JiBX 或JAXB 2.0等专用数据绑定框架。
The original English language version of these Terms and Conditions is the legally-binding version. The translated version is for information only.
Different anti-deformation coefficients were set on the original mode, according to casting structural features and binding in different regions.
It is furnished with altogether 11 bisect four-color and five-color printing machines, including sets of brand-new Heidelberg, original-binding Japanese Komori and Mitsubishi printing machines.
It is furnished with altogether 11 bisect five-color and six-color printing machines, including sets of brand-new Heidelberg, original-binding Japanese Komori and Mitsubishi printing machines.
We will make use of them when binding the stub to the original application.
It is indicated that the binding energy tube could enhance the block rate 5% compared to the original blast method, obtaining a better economic efficiency for the mine;
It is indicated that the binding energy tube could enhance the block rate 5% compared to the original blast method, obtaining a better economic efficiency for the mine;