Responding promptly to accidents and other emergencies is important, but it is their smallest job.
Other emergencies are likely to persist, too.
The preferred means of reporting fires and other emergencies.
Describe what you would do in case of fire or other emergencies?
Natural disasters, conflicts and other emergencies threaten the lives and health of millions of people every year.
For example, emergency medical technicians provide life support for the victims of accidents and other emergencies.
Are directions for evacuation in the case of fire or other emergencies posted in all sleeping quarters in the native language?
All public transportation services rely on emergency preparedness and response to limit the adverse effects of accidents and other emergencies.
That would be impossible, he says, given how much he must save to protect himself against medical and other emergencies in a society that has only a flimsy social safety net.
A new robotic tool could help rescue workers locate victims of disasters and other emergencies before venturing into collapsed buildings or other potentially dangerous places.
Hospitals are a haven for the public during conflicts and other emergencies due to their neutrality, impartiality and ability to protect a community's social and health capital.
In cases such as contract signing, urgent construction or repair, visits to patients in critical condition and other emergencies, you may apply for emergency service without charge.
The IHR can also apply to other public health emergencies such as chemical spills, leaks and dumping, or nuclear melt-downs.
Sichuan police forces have dispatched units to conduct rescue missions, equipped with steam boats and other necessary facilities. Helicopters also stand by to handle possible emergencies.
This makes radiological emergencies different from other types of emergencies, such as floods or hurricanes.
However, other public health emergencies such as chemical spills, leaks and dumping, or nuclear melt-downs may similarly have global effects.
Apart from their effects on people, emergencies can pose huge threats to hospitals, clinics and other health facilities.
Disease outbreaks, other disasters and emergencies (armed conflicts, droughts, etc) and the degradation of grazing land are also threats.
These are generally reserved for use in emergencies and to combat hard-to-treat infections caused by other multi-resistant bacteria.
UNICEF Radio and the education in emergencies programme will be conducting a series of similar workshops in other countries in the coming months.
to make preparations for disaster relief; in cases of natural calamities and emergencies, to offer relief and assistance to the sick, the injured and other victims;
The same is true of the choices you make on the other preference screens (Regions/countries/territories; Disasters/emergencies; Types of services/business sector(s) and Types of goods).
In other cases, "conventional" medicine is only needed in emergencies or when the safer non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical methods fail.
Rough seas, unpredictable deadly weather and isolation during emergencies all make the job more unsafe than any other.
Loss of this regional airlift capability hinders rapid response to natural disasters, forest fires, and other homeland security emergencies.
These regulations are the only internationally-agreed set of rules governing the timely and effective response to outbreaks of infectious diseases and other public health emergencies.
In all cases of emergencies, NO member of the hotel staff is allowed to release any form of information to outsiders, media or any other public agencies.
In all cases of emergencies, NO member of the hotel staff is allowed to release any form of information to outsiders, media or any other public agencies.