Our earliest ancestors also typically occupied woodland environments.
Our earliest ancestors didn't drink milk and didn't need to worry about calcium at all.
Conventional wisdom says our earliest ancestors first stood up on two legs when they moved out of the forest and into the open savannas.
After all, the sentiment behind those poignant words can be traced all the way back to a time when our earliest ancestors did indeed work for food.
Our earliest ancestors learnt how to judge when the seasons would change so that crops should be planted, fish would be plentiful, or when migrating herds would pass some local point.
Shennong ever suffered 72 poisons in trying herb medicines and tea is the detoxifcation for him, which is the earliest record of tea by our ancestors.
Shennong ever suffered 72 poisons in trying herb medicines and tea is the detoxifcation for him, which is the earliest record of tea by our ancestors.