West African countries have a history of drawing their neighbours into their civil wars and many now fear the Ivorian rot will spread with the refugees streaming out of the country.
Israelis say their own security barrier, biting into the West Bank, has helped keep miscreants out.
As soon as a ten-month moratorium on building Jewish settlements in the West Bank ran out on September 26th, the bulldozers whirred into action.
Complex patterns can be seen in the shallow waters along Guinea-Bissau's coastline in West Africa where silt carried by the Geba and other rivers washes out into the Atlantic ocean.
To offset this cold air being blown into the West, there is hotter air coming out on the other, domestic, side of this emerging-market export machine.
For as lightning cometh out of the east, and appeareth even into the west: so shall the coming of the Son of man be.
Later in the day They were given a lift in a horse and cart from west London out into the country.
I was stepping out of the plane and into the muggy perfumed air of west Africa.
As several dozen West Coast supporters of the A. C. L. U. filtered into Stone's backyard, the director sat camped out on a bench by the pool, taking the party in from a distance.
As a broker between Indian and American cultures, Spivak set out to pursue her notion in her translating practice and succeeded introducing non-West works into the Western academy.
We began our trip out West on June 19, 1976, a time when millions of other American families were preparing to crowd into the Bicentennial shrines of the East.
West and east sides of the primary and secondary entrance space are like uplift venue sorted out trenches, welcoming people into the building interior.
In the part of west flank of Lujiatuo minefield, the normal siltstone roof of coal seam 8 changed into coarse to medium-grained sandstone, and also had phenomenon of coal seam pinch-out.
We think back to the pioneers of an earlier century, and the sturdy souls who took their families and the belongings and set out into the frontier of the American West.
Again, looking out into the night sky, to the west, and finding a dim object that can only be seen when the photo is brightened, in this case by a color inversion.
Again, looking out into the night sky, to the west, and finding a dim object that can only be seen when the photo is brightened, in this case by a color inversion.