After a brief pause out popped a small slip of paper on which was printed: You have tennis elbow.
A fellow named Gavin Douglas took it upon himself to translate Virgil into Scottish poetic meter and, along with everything else, out popped two USES for "wraith."
When Maxwell plugged the relevant values, which had been obtained recently by experimenters in Germany, into his equations, out popped Fizeau's figure for the speed of light.
He popped the cork and the champagne fizzed out over the bottle.
Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw them.
The window opened and a dog's head popped out.
A spring popped out of the watch.
A seal popped out of the water below the ship and greeted them on the last day of their stay.
The image of the woman popped into his head out of the blue.
The champagne cork popped when he pulled it out.
The foot quite literally popped out of the tumor, " Dr Grabb was quoted as saying by NBC News.
I am going to die, ruining my own party” — the chicken popped out of my windpipe, leaving me with nothing but a slightly sore throat.
The problem, it turned out, popped up in the middle of the knots' trip: at a stopover site in Maryland, at Delaware Bay.
On the last day, his parents popped out to the local shop to get something for lunch, so we knew we only had a few minutes to get it on - which added to our excitement.
Son Mickey stirred up a batch of candy. Daughter JaKeilla and her boyfriend, Frank, popped cookies in and out of the oven.
It went under his eye and popped out the top of his head.
I had occasion to ask him about this a few years ago, and the first name that popped out was a fine Mexican restaurant, now shuttered, called Chilpancingo.
A spaceship from Mars landed right in the middle of the Boston Marathon. An alien popped out of the UFO and shouted to a runner going by, "take me to your leader."
Are you stonewalling the general 'cause it's good For the team here, or are you protecting the woman Who popped you out lo these many years ago, huh?
Even though you've read that verse fifteen times, you'd never seen the truth that just popped out for you.
You might need a few books popped open, and ironically, you'll probably be using Google a lot to figure everything out (the search engine, not App engine).
您可能需要打开几本书一边看着,更讽刺的是,您可能会经常使用Google弄清楚每件事(是搜索引擎,而不是App Engine)。
This is that the universe popped out of nowhere about 13.7 billion years ago in a quantum fluctuation similar to the sort that constantly create short-lived virtual particles in so-called empty space.
Justin Bieber popped by to shoot a batch of videos casting him as an out-of-control teen star. (he bought the website and renamed it Bieber or Die.)
Justin Bieber popped by to shoot a batch of videos casting him as an out-of-control teen star. (he bought the website and renamed it Bieber or Die.)