You actively reduce air pollution, increase outdoor air quality by having 1 car on the road instead of 4.
These build upon existing WHO outdoor air quality guidelines and recently published WHO guidance on levels of specific indoor pollutants.
Not only will you save money on fuel and the general upkeep of car but other knock on effects include the improved outdoor air quality and reduction on road congestion.
"Dinner in the open air, bath time in the open air bath, sleeping in an open air hammock… the experience in the outdoor environment can make our quality of life richer, " said the architects.
Air quality standards means concentration limits for air pollutants in outdoor air.
The impact of outdoor air pollution on the indoor air quality by the way of numerical simulation was studied.
Fresh air of natural ventilation comes directly from outdoor and cannot be re-polluted so it's effective to improve the indoor air quality.
The pollution also impacts the indoor air quality(IAQ) due to the ventilation from the outdoor.
The fresh air system can exchange the outdoor and indoor air, ensure that the indoor air ventilation to improve room air quality.
The fresh air system can exchange the outdoor and indoor air, ensure that the indoor air ventilation to improve room air quality.