Learn to have an overall glance over the whole body to feel its existence and nearness. Learn to distribute the weight evenly on the feet, soles and heels.
The elaborate tattoos of the Polynesian cultures are thought to have developed over millennia, featuring highly elaborate geometric designs, which in many cases can cover the whole body.
I know that this reclining Buddha has been photographed over and over, and most photographs show the whole face or the whole face and body.
According to the latest study, birds' wings evolved from the forearms of their ancestors and over time their whole body shape was determined by the covering of feathers.
According to the latest study, birds' wings evolved from the forearms of their ancestors and over time their whole body shape was determined by the covering of feathers.
Anyway, put the other half of the body over the wings and arms (the bit that is sticking up on the top of the PIC) and turn the whole thing around and hold it tight under the arms and wings.
Then, in the body (outside the defs) I draw a rectangle over the whole page, filling it with the line pattern.
Men imagine that lollipop or Popsicle is their favorite body part... Warning: Use this move sparingly - if you spend the whole night perfecting the move, it looks a little over-the-top.
Pinocchio had no hat, but he managed to get under the window just in time to feel a shower of ice-cold water pour down on his poor wooden head, his shoulders, and over his whole body.
White household long the words haven't finished saying and then been interrupted, the whole body lazy man slowly walks over the wall, toward clan long and white the parent is old arch arch hand.
Now it lowers its body over crab and anemones, the whole lot. But suddenly it's had enough and gives up the idea.
I heard that my heart like a warm current flows over the body, whole body warm.
Then I listened to the Guru speak in person for the first time, and her words gave me chill bumps over my whole body, even across the skin of my face.
In resolving major issues, such decentralization will be the brain is too complicated, not only Naolu, and even the whole body to accommodate all over.
In resolving major issues, such decentralization will be the brain is too complicated, not only Naolu, and even the whole body to accommodate all over.