This concise and straightforward format brings out the overall design concept.
The overall design concept was based on the box-of-bricks principle consisting of spatial units.
In the Chapter II, the author first presents the resource base system design objectives for the future to provide an overall design concept;
The overall design concept focuses on enhancing the iconic value of the city and creating a new, high-quality environment for life, work, and recreation.
The so-called unit is to machines, stoves, electricity as a whole, Judging from the overall design concept of automatic control system and central control structure.
You can apply the overall concept in these design patterns to any machine architecture, operating system, and compiler combination.
In a reversal of current design trends the MIT concept increases the bypass ratio by minimizing expansion of the overall diameter of the engine and shrinking the diameter of the jet exhaust instead.
Design has played a crucial role in the brand concept from restaurants to the overall environment, the development of dishes, etc., are all designed to garner power and influence.
WAA was lead consultant for the development of the concept, research, coordination, overall and detail design, construction documents and resident supervision.
The design of EMS Series office chairs perfect to express the concept of "high-quality", this chair also overall to express image the temperament of the business staff.
Firstly, the concept of parts and part library are summarized; then, the overall structure and the critical technology of the environment of part library based method of MEMS design are introduced.
The design concept, overall configuration and features of pipeline welding management system developed by utilizing computer technology are introduced.
The paper analyses the anti cracking reliability in massive concrete structure with the concept of overall crack probability, presenting the cracking control design and construction combined with FEM.
As an overall concept Chinese character art has the rich implication, the open content, the ever changing design language and the vision manifestation.
In the design of the natural landscape and gardening of the overall villa zone, the concept of "borrowing landscape rather than making" is set out.
Concept program customer satisfaction, payment of medium-term models, the scene after the overall plan to deepen the design.
With the change in the concept of the past, the various separate decorative clothing designs have been gradually replaced by the overall design.
With the change in the concept of the past, the various separate decorative clothing designs have been gradually replaced by the overall design.