Overriding methods in a parent class is not limited to the constructor.
Although there maybe a little more overhead with regards to overriding methods, it is important to keep the test writer concentrated on what is happening.
Static methods cannot be overridden but can be hidden if they are not final (Read about Overriding vs Hiding here).
You literally cannot compile this class without overriding these methods.
It is essential that the handler invoke methods in the superclass rather than methods in the overriding module (see Listing 9).
Rather than designing a policy from scratch, you're advised to use the existing default policy (which should fulfill most requirements), overriding some methods to fit your specific needs.
The xmllib works by the application programmer overriding the class XMLParser, and providing methods to handle document elements such as specific or generic tags, or character entities.
If you are going to be adding or overriding several methods at once, Listing 13 shows you how to define the new methods in bulk.
In most cases, this entails just subclassing one of the framework classes, and overriding one or more hook methods as needed, depending how unique or complex your requirements are.
Here I subclass ExprEditor in my own VerboseEditor, overriding three of the base class methods — all named edit , but with different parameter types.
A handler has to be created for these events by either implementing an interface or extending the DefaultHandler class and overriding its methods as needed.
The Template Method pattern defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a base class, using abstract methods and overriding to defer individual details to child classes.
I set up the compiler so I have to specify the override annotation so as to clarify which methods are overriding base class methods.
Now, I am responsible for training new staff, but you keep overriding my authority by trying to pose your methods.
You can save changes to the cached data by overriding two methods.
Encourages the creation of finer-grained methods to simplify overriding.
This enables you to allow classes to derive from your class and prevent them from overriding specific virtual methods or properties.
This enables you to allow classes to derive from your class and prevent them from overriding specific virtual methods or properties.