Rebuilding package Failed - Unable to extract package contents.
Right click the iTunes software and select “get package contents” from submenu.
右键iTunes软件,在菜单中选择“获得压缩包(get package contents)”
Anything that you put into a package should make sense when considered with the rest of the package contents.
Table 1 contains the specifications, package contents, and minimum requirements for the Cisco SRW2008MP 8-Port Gigabit Switch.
表1包含的规格,包装的内容,为思科SRW2008MP 8端口千兆交换机和最低要求。
Given the special syntax of the tokens, it is usually possible (and advisable) to derive this list by inspecting the package contents.
Table 1 contains the specifications, package contents, and minimum requirements for the Cisco WRP400 Wireless-G Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports.
表1包含的规格,包装的内容,并为思科WRP400无线- G宽带路由器的最低要求,2电话端口。
Table 1 gives the specifications, package contents, minimum requirements, and available accessories for the Cisco NSS6000 4-bay Advanced Gigabit Storage System Chassis.
表1给出的规格,包装形式的最低请求,思科nss6000 4千兆湾高级底盘和存储零碎提供配件。
Table 1 gives the specifications, package contents, minimum requirements, and available accessories for the Cisco NSS4000 and Cisco NSS4100 (where indicated) 4-bay Gigabit Storage System.
表1给出的规格,包装内容的最低要求,思科和思科nss4100 NSS4000(另有说明)4 -湾千兆存储系统和提供配件。
The contents of the package may have settled in transit.
Finally, a manifest or BOM should describe the contents of the package.
Hence, every time the contents of the view change (i.e. the stream is rebased) the same package can be re-used.
If it's a package, its contents will also be removed.
Specify that the contents of the package will include the query you created and the FPML data model.
The management and retirement phases (Step 4 and 5) are specific to both the nature of the contents in the OVF package and to the particular virtualization products you're using.
管理和退役阶段(步骤4 和5)特定于OVF包的内容以及您所使用的特定虚拟化产品。
Specify that the contents of the package will include the query you created, the FPML data model, and the CREDITV view.
Once a closed package is created it does not need access to the actual contents of the view server.
One can define administrative users for a package which are allowed to update it's contents.
Team members can now apply patches submitted as attachments in files using the new method of pasting the patch contents in the Package Explorer in Eclipse Galileo.
现在团队成员能够应用以文件形式作为附件进行提交的补丁,这可通过使用一个新方法实现:在EclipseGalileo 的PackageExplorer 中粘帖补丁内容。
To extract the entire contents of a package, type.
The latter part is actually not crucial because in OSGi package imports are searched for classes instead of the contents of a bundle in case of conflicts.
After downloading the IBM Cognos TM1 9.5.1 Server install package, extract the contents of the archive to a directory.
下载IBMCognosTM 19.5.1服务器安装包之后,将存档内容提取到一个目录。
Now consider the contents of the package as they appear in Query Studio.
You should always set BuildRoot in your spec file and check the contents of that directory to verify what is going to be installed by the package.
Figure 5 highlights the Working directory field. The value of the Working directory field indicates the directory into which the contents of the archive in your script package will be unzipped.
Rebase, then without creating a new package, the dynamic package picks the changed contents of the files it catalogues and deploys those files upon request.
You need to package all the contents of the RemoteRadiologyService folder in file named
您需要将RemoteRadiologyService文件夹的所有内容打包为一个名为RemoteRadiologyService . zip的. zip文件。
will contain the outer-most package, xde, and the contents of the original xde.importer.examples package will become the contents of the inner-most package, examples.
初始包的容器,xde.importer.examples,将包含最外面的包,xde,并且初始的 xde.importer.examples 包的内容将变成最里面的包的内容。
Within this file, the information entered in the new project wizard is populated, as well as Package References and Contents.
To view the contents of a snap package, type
要查看 snap 文件的内容,输入以下命令
For example, the package Explorer view displays the different projects and packages, as well as the contents of those projects and packages.