To do this, you need to ensure that your application works in a traditional manner, with the page refreshing with a new set of data (see Listing 14).
Typically, the standard way of moving between pages is to pass a parameter to the server-side script loading the data, telling it what page of the result set it should output.
Get aggregated meta data; also, get and set the current page locale.
The problem is, each time the user needs to move to a different page, you must send a request back to the server, which would cause the page to reload with the new set of data.
It is important to set DB2CODEPAGE before connecting to the database because the data movement utilities determine the code page when the connection to the database is established.
重要的是,要在连接数据库之前设置DB 2CODEPAGE,因为数据转移实用程序会在建立数据库连接时判断编码页。
To present a large set of data in manageable sets, the requirement is often to present only a subset of data per page.
Add a paging control of your choice to the client data table and set the rows per page to be displayed at 1 (Figures 25 and 26).
The server would then either return an entire page, or just the section you want to replace with the requested set of data, depending on whether it was called using Ajax or a regular GET request.
然后,服务器将要么返回整个页面,要么只返回您希望使用请求的数据集替换的部分,具体情况取决于使用Ajax还是常规GET 请求调用它。
In other words, this group of tags allows the page author to explicitly set the locale and time zone that the other FMT tags will use when formatting data.
The next module you examined was the Attributes module, which explained how to get/set values on page elements, and how you can think of them as data objects with variables.
下一个模块是Attributes 模块,它解释了如何在页面元素上获得/设置值,以及如何将其作为带有变量的数据对象。
When in place, each request for a PHP-based page generates a data set viewable in KCacheGrind.
We also set variables to remember the values of any data associated with the option, such as the page length in the case of the "-l" option and the print destination in the case of "-f".
The user navigates from one data set, or page, to another using the Next or Previous button.
In this example, we set contact information for a portal page as meta data on the content node (see above XML Access excerpt).
With Ajax, you can ensure that the user doesn't have to watch the entire page reload when a new page of data is being fetched, but instead just replace part of the page with the new set of data.
Updates each page of the block so that it appears empty (the physical data remains, but their slot directory entries are set to deleted).
The important thing here is to set up the page so that when the user clicks on one of these radio buttons, the form knows how to move the data from one instance to the other (see Listing 4).
The Response Time Breakdown page allows you to set the type of data that you see during a run, the sampling rate for that data, and whether data is collected from all users or a representative sample.
The data can be sent either as binary data or ASCII text up to 15 pages in length, with a page being up to 93 characters in length; the test set only provides support for ASCII messages.
We will also set up all the dynamic data we will need for the page, and write Action Handling Code to call an existing EJB component using the Quick Edit feature of WebSphere Studio.
Whenever you request a new set of data from web site, it clears the whole page and loads the new one.
And how can I able to set a data length according to the page? Is there a way to create print template?
If controls on the page are data-bound, bind the data to a typical set of data.
The page presents a set of related links such as Plant Macrofossil Data Search Engine and North American Plant Macrofossil Database etc.
The page presents a set of related links such as Plant Macrofossil Data Search Engine and North American Plant Macrofossil Database etc.