Formal procedures for governance and management enable an enterprise of any size to perform reliable and efficient parallel development on software models.
You can use this kind of branching to fix some bugs in the released version of the product, while working in parallel with the development of the next release of the software.
It was essential to have an effective tool to manage our software development artifacts, given our geographically dispersed team and our need to support parallel development streams.
At a high level, testing assets in the Rational Software Quality solution do not currently support parallel development using UCM.
在高层次上,Rational Soft wareQuality解决方案中的测试资产目前不支持使用u CM进行并行开发。
Software service and data design and analysis, on the other hand, is generally performed by modelers who have been exposed to repositories and the usual parallel development pattern.
Integrated Source control provides essential software version control, workspace management, and parallel development support to individuals and teams.
According to the software engineering principle, this system adopts modular design ideals and parallel development tactics to develop and finishes an experimental intrusion detection system.
The project can achieve effective parallel software and hardware development, thus shortening the project cycle and improving product quality.
The project can achieve effective parallel software and hardware development, thus shortening the project cycle and improving product quality.