The us newspaper industry has seen AD revenue fall in recent years as advertisers migrate to the Internet, particularly to sites offering free or low-cost alternatives for classified ads.
A free Craigslist AD is an economical option, particularly if you want to sell your computer locally, which is always easiest.
For example, advertising is "hugely bartered" because many media, particularly on the Web can supply new AD space at little cost.
Plan guides are a particularly nifty thing. They allow you to supply query hints to stored procs that you can change as well as ad-hock queries created by applications.
计划指南是个好东西,凭借它你可以在存储过程(你可以修改存储过程,也可以ad - hock应用创建的查询)中使用query hint。
Persons destined to develop AD experience an accelerated rate of decline in cognitive ability, particularly in memory.
SCGE reveals a great future in study of radiation biological dosimetry and has more ad-vantage than the other traditional methods, particularly at the early stage after radiation.
SCGE reveals a great future in study of radiation biological dosimetry and has more ad-vantage than the other traditional methods, particularly at the early stage after radiation.