It works at a very low concentration-10 parts per billion-so you can't smell the compound.
Wasps can smell chemicals in concentrations as tiny as a few parts per billion in the air.
His proxies also argued that, as the current legal ozone limit-75 parts per billion-was up for review in 2013, it anyway made sense to delay reducing it.
To be sure, the concentrations of these pharmaceuticals are tiny, measured in quantities of parts per billion or trillion, far below the levels of a medical dose.
The test method for determining residual vinyl chloride monomer content in parts per billion level in PVC resin by capillary column gas chromatography headspace technique is suggested.
The Breast Cancer Fund collected 2 samples of 6 different types of food marketed to children, and found levels of BPA ranging from 21 parts per billion (PPB) to 77.5 PPB, with an average of 49 PPB.
Researchers can still account for nearly every drop of water and watt of sunlight, track parts-per-billion flows of carbon and oxygen, and monitor every organism.
Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have reached 386 parts per million-and rising, because every year, human activity spews more than 30 billion metric tons of CO2.
Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have reached 386 parts per million-and rising, because every year, human activity spews more than 30 billion metric tons of CO2.