Earlier this year carbon dioxide levels reached 400 parts per million.
Want concentration of CO2 in atmosphere lowered from 380 to 350 parts per million.
A normal amount of CO in your blood is extremely low — zero to eight parts per million.
The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is measured in parts per million (PPM).
To put that in perspective, the current level of CO2 in the atmosphere is 387 parts per million.
These levels are comparable to the 500 to 1000 parts per million of water in the Earth's upper mantle.
Global carbon levels are currently at 380 parts per million compared to 280 before the Industrial Revolution.
If the Earth reaches 800-1000 parts per million, as the worst-case scenarios predict, it’s really anybody’s guess.
Hitherto diesel contained up to 500 parts per million (ppm) of sulphur, but the new rules limit sulphur to 15 ppm.
23 out of 28 products – 82 percent – contained formaldehyde at levels ranging from 54 to 610 parts per million (ppm).
28件产品中的23件 - 82% -甲醛含量在54至610百万分率(ppm)之间。
This parameter is specified with a maximum and minimum frequency deviation, expressed in percent or parts per million.
Figures from a measuring station in northern Norway show that CO2 levels are increasing by 2-3 parts per million every year.
科学家们说,北极的二氧化碳水平正在以前所未有的速率上升。挪威北部一个测量站的数据表明,二氧化碳浓度正以每年百万分之2- 3的速度上升。
The measurement amounts to the neutrinos travelling faster than the speed of light by a fraction of 20 parts per million.
Current methane concentrations in the Arctic average about 1.85 parts per million, the scientists said, the highest in 400,000 years.
A commonly cited goal is to stabilize GHG concentrations around 450-550 parts per million (PPM), or about twice pre-industrial levels.
一个共同的目标是使温室气体在空气中的浓度稳定在450- 550ppm(注二),或者大约两倍于工业化前的水平。
350’s ultimate goal is to achieve global action to lower the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million.
The brightness of its light ball only parts per million, and only in the total solar eclipse or with a special instrument to see the corona.
All the methods give the same result: the concentration of oxygen is declining everywhere at the same rate, about 20 parts per million (PPM) per year.
In 2006, the FDA established a lead limit of 0.1 parts per million (ppm) in candy, based on the level the agency believed to be the lowest achievable.
California requires that products that contain more than 30 parts per million of 1, 4-dioxane carry a warning saying that the contents may cause cancer.
加利福尼亚州要求的产品中含有了超过百万分之30的1,4 -二恶烷是应该有警示说此产品中含有可能会引发癌症的物质。
Our planet has always harbored water. The rubble that coalesced to form Earth contained trace amounts—tens to hundreds of parts per million—of the stuff.
By that time, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere will have reached 935 parts per million, meaning the gas comprises nearly 0.1 per cent of the atmosphere.
At 250 parts per million CO2, the shellfish grew vigorously, and at 750 PPM and higher they were crippled, feeble creatures with thin shells and weak connective tissues.
At 250 parts per million CO2, the shellfish grew vigorously, and at 750 PPM and higher they were crippled, feeble creatures with thin shells and weak connective tissues.