Of course the spawned thread can pass a message back to its parent thread.
Autrey began shouting at straphangers to be quiet so he could pass a message to his kids.
I was ready to lose the game and leave Old Trafford with a smile just to pass a message of confidence.
This pattern breaks a file down into records and USES each record to make a service call, or pass a message to one or more systems with a transactional interface.
May I trouble you to pass on a message to her?
If you need to pass the message to a second service for additional processing, you would configure an outbound router on the first service to pass the message to the second service.
I think it has a cool little message; that no matter how dark the cloud is above you or how cold the rain, there is hope that things will pass and stuff gets better.
You pass this method the KFM credential handle so that you can properly decrypt a message.
将KF M凭证的句柄传递给这个方法,就可以正确地将消息解密出来。
As we talk about this, as people talk about this, in the context of our object-oriented programming, they typically will talk about it in terms of message pass, a message passing metaphor.
To tell a story, then, is to pass on the message, to share the work of art.
Similarly, action connectors take the results of business process rule evaluation, retrieve an action as a payload from the internal JMS message queue, and pass it to a touchpoint.
The reply comes back as a SOAPMessage object, but you need to pass the actual text of the message to the servlet's Response object.
The screen freezes, a message tells you the exam has ended, and you'll see the same pass or fail message you would if you had clicked the Done button yourself. Oops!
That module will look at a message that Acme receives from a customer, parse the message header, and, based on the conversation state and the header information, pass it to an appropriate handler.
If everything checks out, I print a pass message; otherwise I print a fail message.
The test automation checks the resulting state of the application under test, verifies that the listbox control contains the correct message, and logs a "pass" result.
测试自动化检查测试应用程序的结果状态,验证Listbox 控件包含正确的消息,并记录“pass”结果。
You will pass the unique message identifier as a parameter during the generation of locale sensitive messages from the message file.
You pass this method the KFM credential handle so that you can properly encrypt a message.
将KF M凭证的句柄传递给这个方法,就可以正确地对消息进行加密。
You can achieve this by introducing an input JSP page to pass the message map via a stored attribute in the request.
可以引入输入JS p页来通过请求中的存储属性传递消息映射,从而完成此工作。
Viral marketing describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message's exposure and influence.
A busy friend may give your message just a quick glance, then pass it along with all the best intentions, so be cognizant of how you're presenting yourself, and be sure to keep a professional tone.
Photo: a pair of sisters dressed as a grape and a carrot pass out plates to Senate staffers in Washington, D.C., with a message urging them to pass a nutrition bill.
Photo: a pair of sisters dressed as a grape and a carrot pass out plates to Senate staffers in Washington, D. C., with a message urging them to pass a nutrition bill.
If you want to pass some of the input message to the output message when claiming a task, you can get the input message and do the mapping as shown in the Listing 7.
The RDF you have defined is a bundle of data, and the idea is to pass along this bundle of data in a message, which you name according to what we expect the recipient to do with the data.
Although this technique works for any kind of data you can pass through a URL, this article focuses on Web services, so I'll start with the simple SOAP message in Listing 1.
Note that I can use echo's attribute, message, or I can simply pass in a desired String.
Various invokers and interceptors create a message, set the payload, set the TargetInvoker, and pass the message down the chain.
You might want to check the size of an output file to ensure it does not pass some limit, or check whether a file contains a certain message, or check system status using a command such as vmstat.
您可能希望检查输出文件的大小以确保没有超出限制,或者检查某个文件是否包含了特定的消息,或者使用 vmstat 这样的命令检查系统状态。
You might want to check the size of an output file to ensure it does not pass some limit, or check whether a file contains a certain message, or check system status using a command such as vmstat.
您可能希望检查输出文件的大小以确保没有超出限制,或者检查某个文件是否包含了特定的消息,或者使用 vmstat 这样的命令检查系统状态。