Millions of years may pass between eruptions.
This machinery is so precise that a human hair couldn't even pass between the heads and spinning platters, yet it all works in terrific speeds.
How much time will pass between backup operations?
Many years can pass between single component failures.
Of course, a can pass between, pass through, the membrane.
A dictionary that contains data to pass between the controller and the view.
Gets or sets the minimum amount of time that can pass between buffer flushes.
Property that specifies the number of milliseconds that pass between one timer event and the next.
The time taken for transferring instruction to pass between bank branches and clearing centers to enable payment.
Study it and then review it on a different day, and allow as much time to pass between the two study sessions as possible.
The parameter and result types that pass between client and server can include types declared in the component's storage model.
Their main hope is that they can pass between their family home and their children can run around inside and outside the house.
RSA_TLS encryption protects the confidentiality and integrity of network packets as they pass between the client and the server.
The time it takes for that ultrasonic wave to pass between the sensor and the object is the value for the distance or the position.
Weeks, if not months, may pass between the time when you see a health care provider about depression and when your mood starts to lift.
Mesothelioma is a particularly destructive cancer, for decades pass between exposure to the asbestos and appearance of cancerous symptoms.
It is likely in application connectivity scenarios that as work requests pass between source and target applications, the security domain changes.
Buck saw money pass between them, and was not surprised when Curly, a good-natured Newfoundland, and he were led away by the little weazened man.
A downhill skiing race in which participants must pass between pairs of gates set along a course that is larger and often steeper than a slalom course.
Same social cultural environment may pass between customers for goods overstep practical luxuriousness and extravagantness consuming show off own strength.
As a developer, you are still focused on the data structures that pass between your application and the cloud, you don't have to create the data structures directly.
Dr Katz and his colleagues found that, although sodium ions flow readily in between adjacent aluminium-oxide layers of sodium beta-alumina, they cannot pass between them.
Katz博士和他的同事们发现,在钠β-氧化铝中,虽然钠离子流很容易在相邻的氧化铝层之间流动, 但是它们无法从中穿过.
This method assumes that some percentage of planets will pass between our line of sight and the stars they orbit around, causing those stars to dim just a fraction from our perspective.
This method assumes that some percentage of planets will pass between our line of sight and the stars they orbit around, causing those stars to dim just a fraction from our perspective.