Ginny, the heroine of the story, lives in a typical patriarchal family.
This kind of description neglects the unequal power relationship among family members, and it ignores the true lives of women in the patriarchal family.
Why bring back the memory of dark days in Japanese history when, under the patriarchal family law of 1898, every household was required to have a male heir?
Based on the stifling experience of a sensitive educated woman in her family, the novelette reveals the oppression of women from the prison, their patriarchal families.
After patriarchal society came into existence in China, women were regarded as part of the property in the family.
The traditional local China's family was has contained essential factor the and so on family economy, family authority, patriarchal system and moral enlightenment folk form of society.
However, the path to women's awakening is thorny: awakening women have got to rebel against patriarchy—marriage, family, ideology, economy and patriarchal discourse;
'And where's Father, Jemima dear?' - for by that patriarchal appellation, Mr Toodle was generally known in the family.
Male power and patriarchal system as the victims, these images are nothing less than the loss of family and love, their affection for their own interests and love can be ignored.
The patriarchal society and family cultivates Dickinson's longing and admiration for her male directors;
The patriarchal society and family cultivates Dickinson's longing and admiration for her male directors;