Paying for the bill is always a touchy issue. This is especially confusing when you are dealing with someone from a different culture.
If you make a habit of putting all your purchases on credit CARDS, regardless of whether you can pay your bill in full at the end of the month, you might still be paying for those items in 10 years.
But if the scheme does not pay off, the starry-eyed lover could be paying off the bill for a very long time, looking rather a stupid Cupid in the process.
Bills, for example, would go to the bill paying area.
Never fight over a bill if someone else offers to pay; you can counter once, and then after that simply thank the person paying for the generosity and offer to pick up the TAB the next time.
Addressing Gulf coast residents, he sounded calm but firm. “Let me be clear, ” he said, “BP [the oil firm] is responsible for this leak; BP will be paying the bill.”
More and more people have made the switch to using the Internet for personal tasks - online bill paying and shopping are just two examples Internet person switch.
Bottom line: Be prepared for the worst by giving only an amount that, if never returned, wouldn't jeopardize your own savings goals, bill-paying ability or other relationships.
Over the years, my uncle has been paying the bill for my school fees.
数年来,我叔叔一直在为我支付学费。 数年来,我叔叔一直在为我支付学费。
If you order an a la carte dinner, you select whatever you wish from the bill of fare, paying only for the dishes ordered.
Runaway brides-and grooms-in Mexico City could get stuck paying for the limo and flowers under a bill proposed by a local lawmaker.
Take a girl out for a meal and she'll probably insist on paying her share of the bill.
More and more people have made the switch to using the Internet for personal tasks — online bill paying and shopping are just two examples.
And it would provide stronger protection against abusive practices - charging very high fees, for instance, for minor mistakes like being hours late paying the bill.
My father offered to foot the bill for the tuition, but I insist on my own paying the school fee by working part time.
But when paying for the tea we found there was an extra Euro on the bill. Later the waiter explained that they charged us 1 Euro for that refilled water.
But when paying for the tea we found there was an extra Euro on the bill. Later the waiter explained that they charged us 1 Euro for that refilled water.