The narrower the peak width, the more homogeneous the particle distribution.
As the increase of the biomass amount, SO2 emissions curve peak width became bigger, and NO, SO2 emission peak decreased obviously.
随着生物质配比的增大,SO 2排放曲线上的峰宽越来越大,且NO、SO 2排放峰值明显减小。
It is studied to measure the efficiency of gas chromatographic packed columns with the linear relationship between peak width and retention time.
With increasing melting temperature, the cold crystallization peak temperature increases, the crystallization peak strength of PEEK weakens and the peak width increases.
The energy absorption peak value and the peak width of cellular al alloy were bigger than those of cellular al, indicating that cellular al alloy is a better kind of material than cellular al.
By predicting the retention time, peak width and resolution of each solute under different mobile phase conditions, the overlapping separation range map of the solutes in the sample is plotted.
The static crosstalk noise peak and noise width are used to identify crosstalk target.
The influence of the vibration reduction system on the impact peak acceleration and impulse width was analyzed.
The experimental results show that a bigger diffraction efficiency delay rate can make the establishing time of the laser pulse and the pulse width shorter, and make the peak power higher.
The arc length was taken as the manipulated quantity in the system and the peak current width of welding pulse was varied.
Obvious error of peak value may appear if the signals with small full width at half-maximum (FWHM) were filtered with traditional smoothing and de-noising approaches.
We focus on the peak power, pulse width, extinction ratio of conversion optical pulse and the transmission property of conversion optical pulse in standard single mode fiber.
The study manifested the uncoupled pattern of the peak stresses in vertical and horizontal directions, as well as the stress evolution trace varying with pillar width.
According to the method, the relative overdamping can be expressed in a linear function of the product of the width of half peak of the response curve by the nature frequency of the geophone.
Full width half Maximum (FWHM) : the width of a curve (for example, the PSF) at half of it's peak value.
Also the peak voltage width is tested under different input power at the highest frequency and the difference is analyzed.
The parameters of triple Fabry-Perot etalon, namely, free spectral range, spectral width, peak offsets between each etalon, effective aperture and so on are optimized.
The shape, width and peak of the power gain spectra of modulation instability will be influenced by the size relationship of the perturbation frequencies of the two waves.
The end and side composite pumping is an effective way to raise the Q-switching peak power and to compress the pulse width of the Q-switched pulse in a DPL.
When Q-switch and gain switch were applied the peak pulse power was increased and pulse width decreased.
The effects of pulse width, pulse interval, peak current and process time on intensified layer are analyzed. And the micro-hardness and the property of strengthening layer are also analyzed.
The half width of transmission peak is steppedly reduced and the Q-factor on the confined state is steppedly increased with the increasing of the dielectric thickness in well.
In the same of average power, peak power and duty cycle constant, pulse width is the primary parameter which affects the kerf width.
As metastable atoms deexcite, the vapor velocity and temperature increase, the peak value of the velocity distribution function shifts rightward, and the half width increases.
Compared with the experimental results, the position, width and peak of distribution of states in gap, and also the electron mobility, cross section ot capture are obtained.
Comparing with MWNTs, the maximum absorbing peak of the MWNTs with Ni coating reduce, but the band width has the broad trend.
Wider pulse width, low pulse frequency and medium peak power should be used when pulse laser welds magnesium Alloy.
The XRD characterization shows that the width of XRD diffraction peak gets narrow with the increase of calcined temperature, which indicates the crystallinity has improved.
In this paper resolving power of diffraction gratings and its measuring methods in width at half height of central peak are described.
The amplified spontaneous emission in dye solutions excited with powerpul picosecond light pulses is studied in two respects:1. spectral peak shift and the emission width;