For decades, Chagas disease largely affected people living in rural areas of Latin America.
They are caught directly from the excreta of these animals by people living in rural areas and then spread person to person.
Last year, Swedish scientists said mobile phones could pose a higher health risk to people living in rural areas because they emit more intense signals in the countryside.
However, my personal view concerning public viewing Spaces is that these should be given to people living in rural areas, areas where people don't have electricity or television sets.
Globally, 75% of poor people live in rural areas and most depend on agriculture for their living.
The brains of people living in cities operate differently from those in rural areas, according to a brain-scanning study.
A: the people who are most affected by these diseases are often the poorest populations, living in remote, rural areas, urban slums or conflict zones.
For the first time in history, more people are now living in cities than in rural areas.
First, men were more likely to be infected than women, and people living in rural and forested areas more likely than town dwellers.
Important strides have been made to fight malaria in Cambodia, which mainly affects people living in remote rural areas.
The charity's report found people living in remote rural areas often had difficulty accessing hospice services.
As for disabled people in China, the article noted that in urban and rural areas 10.88 million received a basic living allowance.
Weeks old chef said that now young people in rural areas to the city to work, failing to appreciate the plight of the mud paste to make a living, no one is willing to learn.
Wang: I have been living in the rural areas. The people there are very simple and very kind.
Wang: I have been living in the rural areas. The people there are very simple and very kind.