A thermodynamic analysis of the liquid hydrogen gas power cycle is conducted and the latter's superior power performance predicted.
When looking further at the GRE subtests, they found only the analytical test score successfully predicted more consequential evaluations of student performance.
Sutter predicted the end of the "free lunch" that had come of increasing the performance of software applications by piggy-backing on faster and faster chips.
Sutter预言了 “免费午餐”的终结,通过越来越快的芯片来捎带提升软件应用程序的性能将不再可能。
The only kind of reading that related to higher academic performance was frequent novel reading, which predicted better grades in English class and higher overall grade point averages.
Based on the technical parameters for the performance of engines, the economical index of engines is predicted and analyzed by the theory of fuzzy linear regression.
Both examples are performance outcomes that can be predicted from what we know about cognitive narrowing or tunnel vision under time pressure.
When they predicted that Black Wednesday were going to perform at our local theatre, they all bought clothes for performance.
The performance of scheduling algorithms can be improved if the status of resource can be predicted in the future.
The separation performance of the CFD model could be easily predicted by analyzing the distribution of the volume percentage of the gas.
Based on the optimal prediction midcourse guidance law, the concept of predicted handover point was proposed, and a handover performance optimal midcourse guidance law was proposed.
The researchers found that the degree to which members took turns speaking also predicted their performance.
The trains release performance has been predicted by the present mathematical model of trains air brake system, which has been estalished basing on gas dynamics .
The dynamic performance of the system was predicted.
With the computer simulation of exhaust mufflers and IC engines, the influence of mufflers on engine performance as well as exhaust noise can be predicted.
Using these formulas, the ulterior ballistic performance variation of the gun in different wearing degree can be predicted by measuring the land diameter wear figure.
Based on the integral constraint, the achievable performance of the system can be predicted during the design stage, and it is meaningful for practical applications.
In the past, Warren Buffett has predicted that his performance is likely to be better, relative to everyone else, in bear markets than in bull ones.
Moreover, predicted performance levels are indicated to the user in order to give a reliable feedback of the performance of the speech recognition procedure.
The control system simulation experiment has been successfully predicted a variety of accidents, then repeated experiments proved the superiority of the system performance.
The research advancements, flocculating and bactericidal performance of organic polymer flocculants in recent years were reviewed. The development trends were also analyzed and predicted.
Finally we predicted the properties of material which is with excellent performance by the regulator, and provided a reference in selection of materials for the diaphragm.
The performance of next generation maneuverable missile was predicted by taking into account its important parameters such as lift to drag ratio, empty weight to total weight ratio and effective load.
The performance of elastic tire on soft terrain is predicted using the mathematical model.
In addition, the drilling characteristic curves and the performance of PDC bits designed with different schemes are predicted.
此外,还对PD C钻头的钻进特性曲线,以及采用不同设计方案时的钻头性能进行了预测。
The direct performance test of the above-mentioned method shows that the predicted occurrence-time, location and magnitude are generally consistent with those of earthquakes actually occurred.
Therefore, the content of gas condensate after gas injection was predicted based on analysis of production performance characters and relevant sensitive factors.
It is found that the predicted heat transfer and friction performance are consistent with the correlations in the literatures.
The component and their effect on the performance of composite resin were mainly discussed. Further tendency in the research of visible light cured composite resin was predicted.
Performance data for the C-130J predicted we could increase the cargo limit under those same conditions by as much as 300 percent.
来自C- 130j的性能数据预示着我们可以在相同的条件下以百分之三百的比例增加货物搭载的极限值。
Performance data for the C-130J predicted we could increase the cargo limit under those same conditions by as much as 300 percent.
来自C- 130j的性能数据预示着我们可以在相同的条件下以百分之三百的比例增加货物搭载的极限值。