Have you used the Periodical Index before?
After you gather a list of citations from a periodical index, check to see if your library owns that magazine or journal by searching for the title of the periodical in the library catalog.
Periodicals are very important documentary resources in the library of colleges, so the work of periodical index is an important part of information index service in the library of colleges.
Stockpile availability is an important index which weighing the stockpile missile fighting function, also is an important parameter which weighting the effectiveness of missile periodical detection.
Basing on the statistic and analysis of the Chinese technology periodical that have been registered by "the Engineering Index" (EI) from 1996 to 2001, this paper gives some advices how to contribute.
本文通过对美国《工程索引》(EI) 1996 ~ 2001年收录中国科技期刊的统计分析,为广大科研工作者科学应用ei提出了建议。
Precise using Chinese library classification to index sci-tech periodical is discussed based on character of periodical paper.
Through the introduction of constitution of the periodical array and data base of scientific index, scientific and technological periodical quotation and evaluation norms are recognized.
通过对期刊方阵构成 ,科学指数数据库的介绍 ,认识科技期刊引证及评价指标 ;了解地球科学类期刊的划分排序及中国地震局数据中心的科学查新。
They are new type of passive optical components, which are based on the periodical distribution of refraction index in fiber core.
They are new type of passive optical components, which are based on the periodical distribution of refraction index in fiber core.