Demerit recording and commendation which is presented by department manager shall be conformed with the signature by the executive director, and finally recorded by personnel department.
This book serves as the basic text for any of the above individuals taking a rotation through a pediatric imaging department and for orienting pediatric personnel within the imaging department.
Department personnel can help teach and train internal audit staff about the department's functions and processes thereby saving time for the internal audit department.
There are many differences between R&D department and other departments of an enterprise and the performance evaluation for personnel in R&D department is very complicated.
While such functional departments as the personnel department, the financial department and the equipment management department shall do their own work according to their respective duties.
The objective of the Department is to produce first-class filmmakers, and TV personnel. To attain this objective , the Department invited Prof.
The objective of the Department is to produce first-class filmmakers, and TV personnel. To attain this objective , the Department invited Prof.