According to a recent study of retail firms, which confirmed that IT has become pervasive and relatively easy to acquire, IT by itself appeared to have conferred little advantage.
And spam, as common and pervasive as it is, is a very, very significant problem.
It is so pervasive a dimension that it is difficult to objectify in spatial terms and difficult to consider apart from oneself.
LR must prove that in Mexico violence against women is pervasive and that there is a societal perception that this is acceptable.
What struck me from the outset is that something as pervasive and stubborn as cancer must be a deep part of the story of life itself.
Everyone reading this article is familiar with a few pervasive abstraction styles - such as structured, modular, and object-orientation - which appear in numerous languages.
When a property crash becomes as pervasive as Las Vegas's, explains Devin Reiss, a former head of the Nevada Association of Realtors (NVAR), it takes on a life of its own.
A sense of social change is pervasive in her novels.
UHECRs tend to collide with photons of the cosmic microwave background—pervasive radiation that is a relic of the early universe.
The formal public security structure was augmented by a pervasive system of informers throughout the society.
The formal public security structure was augmented by a pervasive system of informers throughout the society.
The formal public security structure was augmented by a pervasive system of informers throughout the society. Surveillance of citizens, both physical and electronic, was routine.
The synchronicity is choreographed by a great, pervasive intelligence that lies at the heart of nature, and is manifest in each of us through what we call the soul.
It works like this. Across the post-big Bang universe, collections of Higgs bosons make up a pervasive Higgs field - which is theoretically where particles get mass.
"A climate of fear, created by pervasive, excessive and arbitrary punishment, permeated most of the institutions," the report says.
In 2004, a Turkish dance, named "Fire of Anatolia" triggered a pervasive fever for belly dancing in China.
The pervasive domain provides a number of challenges for those wishing to provide solutions in such scenarios.
Few saw it coming, but if a lack of transparency was pervasive, how could they have?
This article discusses the Transcoding Technology feature, and specifically focuses on what this tool provides and how developers can use it effectively in a pervasive portal.
But there was still a pervasive feeling that, despite all the evasions, those involved in the trade were doing something deeply wrong.
Mobile and pervasive games are a new, fast-growing segment of the overall games market.
For example, you may want to remove a pervasive logging aspect that is obscuring other aspects.
Transcoding Technology is an excellent tool for developers or administrators interested in making a pervasive portal even more pervasive.
This data consists of a series of ongoing quantitative measurements that are pervasive in their targets to provide a granular and detailed representation of the whole system's health.
For those who would like to interact with their DB2 database remotely using a pervasive device, WPAI caters to the gadget loving crowd with WML markup support.
The bottom line: Disaster is real and pervasive, but deeper collaboration plus smarter modeling make a big difference.
The bottom line: Disaster is real and pervasive, but deeper collaboration plus smarter modeling make a big difference.