Mark Hugo Lopez is associate director of the Pew Hispanic Center.
One organization that carries out research on such issues is the Pew Hispanic Center.
The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that about 8% of all children born in the US in 2008 have parents who are in the country illegally.
But the Census data, combined with recent analysis by the Pew Hispanic Center, strongly suggests that fewer foreigners are flocking to the U.S..
但人口普查局这份数据以及近期普优西裔研究中心(Pew Hispanic Center)发布的报告都清楚地表明,涌入美国的外国人数量正在不断减少。
But the Census data, combined with recent analysis by the Pew Hispanic Center, strongly suggests that fewer foreigners are flocking to the U.S..
但人口普查局这份数据以及近期普优西裔研究中心(Pew Hispanic Center)发布的报告都清楚地表明,涌入美国的外国人数量正在不断减少。