For each running process, the mapping between virtual and physical address is maintained in a data structure called the page table.
The topology structure, defined in linux_linsched.h, defines the number of processors and how they relate to one another (mapping to a physical package and node distance map).
linux_linsched . h中定义的拓扑结构定义了处理器的数量以及它们如何相互关联(映射到物理包和节点分布图)。
The topology structure, defined in linux_linsched.h, defines the number of processors and how they relate to one another (mapping to a physical package and node distance map).
linux_linsched . h中定义的拓扑结构定义了处理器的数量以及它们如何相互关联(映射到物理包和节点分布图)。