Otherwise we can supply you the quick and safe delivery of the goods to the urban or internal by the pick out truck of China Post.
An entrepreneurial young grocer who had lost his home and shop had set up a market stall out of a pick-up truck.
He spent his time roughhousing with his boxer pup, tinkering with his truck, and noodling on his guitar (he'd learned to drive again and to pick out tunes).
As I sat there quietly, looking out the window, I noticed this burnt old black pick-up truck with it's side caved in sitting across the street at the local feed store.
He used his trunk to pick the scooter up out of the truck.
Press says the company also has eight new products, including a hybrid pick-up truck and electric vehicles set to role out over the next 18 months.
The assailants used a green Mitsubishi pick-up truck to carry out the attack.
The assailants used a green Mitsubishi pick-up truck to carry out the attack.