Power supply is the key component in micro piezoelectric actuator "s application."
The hysteresis in piezoelectric actuator is the main factor that affects its displacement accuracy.
Displacement characteristics of a cantilever split morph piezoelectric actuator have been investigated.
The principle of the novel piezoelectric actuator and the scanner were described, and the frequency response was measured.
According to the needs of micro-manipulation, a prototype of miniature robot driven by piezoelectric actuator is designed.
A monolithic piezoelectric actuator based on functionally gradient PZT ceramics was prepared by powder metallurgical process.
Piezoelectric pump, a new type of piezoelectric actuator, has many potential applications in the future due to its characteristics.
The shear stress rises sharply at the ends of the piezoelectric actuator with the shear modulus increasing or the thickness decreasing.
The location of optimization of piezoelectric actuator based on the theory of radiation modes in the active control decoupling is studied.
A fast tool servo mechanism with a piezoelectric actuator has attracted more attention for its excellent machining way and high resolution.
The invention relates to a fully active piezoelectric actuator (90) and to a method for producing a fully active piezoelectric actuator (90).
The square wave signal can make the piezoelectric actuator gain a higher amplitude than with a sine wave, triangular wave, or toothed wave signal.
Piezoelectric actuator controlled by electric field shows serious hysteresis and creep phenomena, which severely degrades the positioning accuracy.
The amplifying mechanism is modeled and analyzed with the piezoelectric actuator incorporated, the transfer function of the amplifier system is obtained.
A novel inertial piezoelectric actuator was proposed which was characterized by controlling the friction between the moving mechanism and the supporting faces.
To develop the RAINBOW piezoelectric actuator with ultra-high displacement, the reduction behavior of PLZT piezoelectric ceramics was researched by experiments.
In order to improve the efficiency of the piezoelectric pump and optimize its structure, the dynamic characteristics of the piezoelectric actuator were explored.
The network can reduce the modeling error for the piezoelectric actuator of a nanometer positioning system. Experimental results proved validity of the algorithm.
Mechanical properties of the stepping linear sophisticated piezoelectric actuator are analysed with finite element method and a number of experiments were carried out.
Using the mechanism of the piezoelectric effect of piezoelectric materials to design a piezoelectric actuator bar master, and analyze its working principle and design method.
However, the hysteresis is an inherent character of the piezoelectric material which leads to the nonlinear relationship between input voltage and piezoelectric actuator response.
The results show that the approach can overcome the nonlinear hysteresis of piezoelectric actuator and the vibration of flexible manipulator and get high tracking control accuracy.
In this paper, the tension bending coupling model is presented by virtual work principle, the effect of the bonding layer between beam and piezoelectric actuator is considered in the analysis.
And an electromechanical model of piezoelectric actuator is presented to demonstrate that charge-feedback control is prominently effective to reduce hysteresis, creep and to improve linearity.
The outer side (5, 6) of the fully active piezoelectric stack (1) is coated with the coating at least in regions which are assigned the outer electrodes (10, 11) of the piezoelectric actuator (90).
至少在对应于压电执行器(9)的外电极(10,11)的区 域中用涂层涂覆全活性压电堆(1)的外侧(5,6)。
Firstly, a state space experimental model of flexible plate vibration system with some malfunction connection piezoelectric actuator pairs were identified by the multivariable identification theory.
A new type of precise linear actuator using the piezoelectric stack as actuating element was presented.
In this paper, a new micro-positioning servo control system using a piezoelectric. Actuator is introduced, the hardware consist and working principle are also given.
Based on the principle of micro displacement of piezoelectric ceramic, the research on the precise actuator technique is presented, which is used for precise positioning work piece stage.
As the piezoelectric stack actuator can withstand pressure only, a preload device is designed to ensure that the intelligent active member can experience tensile stress.