The principles fit also in with piled foundation beam.
Statically Pressed piled foundation have been adopted in high-rise building.
Finally, the application and economy of sparse piled foundation are discussed.
By the method, a program is developed for cap single piled foundation research.
Scattered piled foundation is a new exploration of pile foundation design theory.
The research results are applied to the design for high-piled foundation in this project.
Through investigation of a piled foundation. The shortcomings of installation of compacted enlarged pile are analyzed and also the improvement are proposed.
Through the coordinate deformation between soil and piles, this paper suggests that the dualistic simultaneous equations are used in solving the settlement for the sparse piled foundation.
From the viewpoint of soil dynamics, this paper suggests that the effect of dynamic characters of soil on piled foundation can be expressed through analysis of pile-soil dynamic interaction.
Based on the present results of the design factors to piled raft foundation, the optimum design steps are given and verified by an example.
This paper describes the superiority and the technical practicability of the high piled wharf using entirely the straight steel pipes as the foundation.
The key point in the piled raft foundation design is to determine the proportion of load carried by piles and raft and the effect of diminished settlement of piles.
Research for the deformation and internal forces of piled raft foundation on a thick soft substratum are concerned with not only the interaction between pile, raft and soils but the also the time.
In addition, the analysis of the piled raft foundation with irregular shape of raft and the optimization of pile-layout could be easily carried out.
Combined with new design ideas, from two aspects: reducing settlement design and variable rigidity design for balance settlement the optimization design of piled raft foundation is discussed.
In soft soil area, we give priority to the piled box (raft) foundation in choosing the foundation type for super-tall building.
The soft ground foundation under the embankment load, treated by the cement-soil mixing method, is a typical flexible-piled composite foundation under a flexible loading.
The construction technique of CFG piled composite foundation by long auger boring methodology is studied and summarized according to the project of China Film Museum.
针对中国电影博物馆工程使用长螺旋钻管内泵压CF G桩复合地基施工技术作了一些有益的尝试、研究和总结。
The proposed method could be readily used to analyze the large piled raft foundation.
Finally, a series of parametric analysis was made to study the settlement of piled raft foundation and the loads Shared by the individual pile and subsoil.
Based on an improved layered foundation model, the interaction of piles-soil-raft is taken into account to formulate a nonlinear method for the analysis of piled raft foundations.
Based on the present results of the design factors to piled raft foundation, the optimum design...
The method did not involve the discretization of the soil or piles and it could be used to analyze piled raft foundation as simply as to analyze raft foundation.
Moreover so far there is not a uniform and integrated calculating method on piled raft foundation design.
In this way, the design theory of pile foundation of high-piled wharf, the method of simple calculation is one of the main reason which induced the matter.
The conventional dynamic tests of composite foundation were reviewed and the velocity or (mechanical) admittance method for a block on single-piled composite foundation was recommended.
A general analysis method of piled raft foundation under vertical loading was presented based on the results of piled raft foundation with rigid cap under the same loading condition.
With the vigorous development of construction projects in China, the piled raft foundation has been widely used in high-rise buildings and ultra-high buildings.
The paper puts forward the main measures of controlling the differential settlement of piled raft foundation by increasing the rigid of raft and modifying foundation rigid.
The paper puts forward the main measures of controlling the differential settlement of piled raft foundation by increasing the rigid of raft and modifying foundation rigid.