It was proved that pitting potential become more noble and pitting resistance was improved after ion plating.
In the polarization test, almost all inclusions can be active and initiate pitting when the potential of steels is equal to or higher than the pitting potential.
They had superiority as the indexes of materials pitting sensitivity than the traditional indexes such as, the pitting potential, the lag ring area in scan anodic.
The pitting critical potential of the fresh surface is lower than that of the surface covered by passive film.
The pitting corrosion potential of 316 stainless steel increases along with the ammonia nitrogen density decrease.
The results showed that the peak potential was equal to pitting initiation potential.
The equation shows that the potential depends on the chemical potential gradient of the active ions in the occluded pitting and partial potential drop corresponding to the same ions.
The results show, when pitting corrosion occurred on the brass surface, the polarization resistance of electrode was obviously decreased, and the corrosion potential being also obviously lowered.
The results show, when pitting corrosion occurred on the brass surface, the polarization resistance of electrode was obviously decreased, and the corrosion potential being also obviously lowered.